Thursday, February 22, 2007

Kill Tim!

so...where do we begin...inspired by the brilliant writers such as S & D and Haroun EP...I have decided to breakaway from my comfort zone and explore my intellectual side (if i even have any)...I am not smart...and I'm not trying to be... I have written things several times already but those were elsewhere... as I browsed through the pages of the wickedly funny blogs I couldn't help but realized that I have been writing some serious depressing melancholy crap all this time...although I know I'm funny but when it comes down to it... my pen and papers - every time I use them they are not laughing...instead they are these 2 gloomy object staring at me urging me to write something gloomy that when I was in 7th grade our English teacher asked us to put few words to end a paragraph that begins with "It's Tuesday morning and Tim woke up late! Today is his biggest day for he is set to compete for The Math League......." and there I was with my vicious mind and its equally wicked alliance (pen and paper) sitting on the floor of our study room fully equipped with my brilliant story to read to the class in the morning....

as the class begin...we were reminded about our assignment and that each of us will read our story in front of the class...there would be no judging (damn right there were none!) right or wrong... so 85% of the class wrote..."Tim ended up late for the Math League and didn't win"...some 10% wrote "His mom called in to excuse him for the class as he was sick"...4% wrote not so interesting-fabricated-juvenile-lame shit and a tiny percent of the class called "me" wrote a completely disturbing disturbing that I was in counseling for a I’m some sort of a lunatic high on heroin at 12!...I asked them...what do you want from me?!...I’m 12!!!!.....

it turned out that...creative writing at 12 is forbidden....that killing Tim (and 10 other students in the school bus) in the story from a very tragic and psychotic accident is not supposed to be an idea that a 7th grader should have in her head...what?...i just wrote...Tim hurried up for school...and being the great kid that he is he persuaded his school bus driver friend to take short cuts to keep him from being late from the the driver did...what a great friend...that's when everything started to get really twisted...long story short...the school bus was car napped by 3 gun men...long beard and looked like undertaker (the wrestler! I was 12 gimme a break!!)...anyway they were being chased around by the cops...meanwhile on the other street the back up for the bad guys were on a look out and waiting on them to show up in that haunted warehouse where the other kids were...these kids were to be sold to this other bad guy and he exports them to some remote country and feed them to the gorillas...back to the bus of the bad guy had his gun pointed on the driver's temple and the other bad guy is singing Old McDonald Had a Farm to the kids and occasionally shooting outside
the window and the 3rd bad guy well... he just kept on shooting at the the bus was speeding and approaching the intersection a huge trailer has lost its control and spun in the middle of the junction hitting the school bus where Tim was at and now completely frantic because of the bad guys in the school bus but never forgetting the fact that he is late for the league as well as the obvious that this is all his all that made Tim really guilty, pressured, scared you name it! the Trailer and the bus collided Tim was thrown out the school bus landed on a top of another car… bounced around and as his body was tossed up in the air his limb...rib cage head and legs and arms scattered as it hit the ground...the other student in the bus - they died inside it due to internal bleeding...concussion etc...Tim has a unique and tragic fate...that's cuz he is or should i say was the star in the story...

having all that story told now that i'm older...I still ask myself this question...did I really deserve to be in counseling/detention for a week for writing it? know what sucks...they didn't believe i wrote it!! then why the hell are you detaining me?!!!....ahhhh!!! you &^*&%^$!!!....sheeesh...what's a kid gotta do to be taken seriously in this world...and then when I was in college my brother accused me of using drugs because I was listening to Rage Against The Machine in my room while I was studying for an exam for Political Science...I mean what is with the old people and the automatic accusation of being on drugs all the time! brother jinx the band so much that they have disbanded!!! ...and then i got so pissed i quit college...I was clean...I still am...I am probably tidier than a rubbing alcohol or disinfectant that I'm older and acting so weird sometimes cuz i live way too much in my one accuses me of anything anymore...or maybe they are too afraid to say it...LOL!!!